
Godalming Junior School is committed to the safeguarding of all its learners, staff and visitors. Safeguarding is a priority with arrangements in place to ensure learners feel, and are safe on school premises and during off site activities. The learner experience and individual achievement are paramount and safeguarding initiatives are developed to impact positively upon this. Our commitment to safeguarding at GJS provides the conditions for us all to Love, Live and Learn together

Our Designated Safeguard Leader is:
Mr Adam Samson (Headteacher)

Our Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads are:
Mr Nick MacIver (Deputy Headteacher)

Mrs Kate Wilkinson (SENCo)
Mrs Louise Munz (Bursar)
Mrs Nancy Kirby (HSLW)

Our Operation Encompass Key Adult is:
Mr Adam Samson (Headteacher)

Our Prevent Duty Lead is:
Mr Adam Samson (Headteacher)

Our Attendance Lead is:
Mr Adam Samson (Headteacher)

Our Deputy Attendance Lead is:
Mrs Nancy Kirby (Home School Link Worker)

Our E-Safety Lead is:
Miss Sam Dlugokecka (Computing Lead)

Our Educational Visit Coordinator (EVC)
Mr Adam Samson (Headteacher)

Our Safeguarding Governor is:
Ms Eleanor McIntyre.

Please contact the school office if you would like a paper copy of any of the documents found on this website.

Safeguarding at Godalming Junior School

At Godalming Junior School, we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils.

We make every effort to provide an environment in which children and adults feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and feel confident to talk if they are worried, believing they will be effectively listened to.

We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure children receive effective support, protection and restorative justice.  We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

We follow the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership’s (SSCP) procedures and have a number of policies and procedures in place with contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, found here on the website.

At GJS we understand that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All members of staff, including teaching and support staff, receive annual safeguarding training.

This covers all areas in the DFE document, Keeping Children Safe in Education’ – including the Prevent Strategy, FGM, Child Sexual Exploitation and updates related to Operation Encompass.

The school has robust procedures that record issues that relate to child protection and safeguarding using our CPOMS platform. We work with an array of agencies including Children’s Services, the School Nurse and the Police. Additional updates and training are given to staff as required throughout the year. 

Our Safeguarding Team at GJS, identified above, meet regularly to discuss all things safeguarding related and is also attended by our safeguarding governor. 

Vetting Procedures

All members on the school staff have to have a DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service) in order to work in school. In addition, all volunteers in regulated activity with children are DBS-checked.

Visitors to the school either provide their own DBS on arrival or are members of professional bodies who are registered by their employer, such as OFSTED inspectors or Local Authority employees who have a DBS through their own professional body.

Any one-off visitor, such as a visiting author, will agree to our safeguarding statement at sign in, and be provided with a visitors lanyard with a list of the Designated Safeguard Leads at the school, the school's fire evacuation procedure and the school's lockdown protocol. Parents who help out on educational visits will be asked to agree to adhere to a Parent, Carer and Volunteer Agreement, our Code of Conduct and will be supervised by a member of school staff throughout the visit.

Risk Assessments

We carry out risk assessments for all educational visits including our Year 4 and Year 6 residential trips. In addition, risk assessments are undertaken on special events that might occur in the school - such as the sporting events off site, enrichment visits to local secondary and private schools and curriculum areas such as swimming in Year 5.


Access to the school, is via the Hallam Road security gates. Staff have access to the gates by key fob. Visitors can only gain access by gate release authorised by office staff. Access to the main school doors are by key codes or key card. All fire exits are twist locks and are unlatched throughout the day.

Further Information


Barnado's - Keeping Children Safe Online 

Internet Matters - Online Safety

Think You Know - Gaming Safely

Other Useful Sites



Young Minds


Young Carers - Action for Carers

Mindworks Surrey Support Poster and Helpline

  • Mr Adam Samson


    Designated Safeguard Lead
    Operation Encompass Key Adult
    Attendance Lead
    EVC Lead

  • Mr Nick MacIver

    Deputy Headteacher

    Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
    Deputy Operation Encompass Key Adult

  • Mrs Kate Wilkinson


    Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
    LAC Lead
    Virtual School Lead

  • Mrs Louise Munz


    Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

  • Mrs Nancy Kirby


    Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
    Deputy Attendance Lead
    Deputy Operation Encompass Key Adult

  • Mrs Eleanor MacIntyre

    Safeguarding Governor