Our Governors

  • Will Sutton

    Vice-Chair of Governing Body / Chair of Resources Committee / Co-opted Governor

  • Eleanor McIntyre

    Safeguarding Governor/LA Governor

  • Adam Samson

    Headteacher/Ex officio Governor

  • Sam Dlugokecka

    Staff Governor

  • Abigail Gorringe

    Parent Governor

  • John Warren

    Co-opted Governor

  • Giles Bennett

    Co-opted Governor

  • Sarah Phillips

    Co-opted Governor

  • Julia Roberts

    Co-opted Governor

  • Jonathan Haynes

    Co-opted Governor

  • Kerry Davies

    Co-opted Governor


    Parent Governor

Are you interested in supporting our school's aim to foster a love of learning by helping to create an attractive, rich and stimulating environment which has a language rich and values-based education? 
If so, we currently have a vacancy for the position of Parent Governor on our Governing Body. 
To find out more about the role and to apply, please see below and contact our Clerk to the Governors via clerk@godalming-junior.surrey.sch.uk