About Your Governors
What we do
Governing Bodies are the strategic leaders of a school and our role is to ensure that every child gets the best possible education. We act as a challenging supporter to the school and have three core strategic functions.
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Hold the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its individual pupils.
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that its money is well spent.
To do this effectively, the full Governing Body meet at least once a term and, in addition, each Governor sits on at least one committee that focusses on the key areas of:
- Learning and Curriculum
- Resources
- Headteacher Performance Review
Committees meet at least termly and each committee makes a report into the rest of the Governing Body.
We are required by law to act in the best interest of the school as a whole, not to represent any particular group.
At Godalming Junior School we are elected or appointed as follows
- Parent Governors: Elected by parents; must have at least one child in the school at time of election. Are representative parents not representatives of parents.
- Foundation Governors: Appointed by the Governing Body, for their expertise and to champion the values of the Godalming Learning Partnership Trust.
- Staff Governors: Elected by the staff, must work at the school
- Co-opted Governors: Invited by the Governing Body and bring special expertise to the Governing Body.
- Local Authority Governor: Nominated by the local authority
Our Governors regularly attend training programs and seminars provided by organisations such as the National College and Local Authority. In addition, many of us spend time in school as well as working with other local schools, sharing good practice and keeping abreast of legislative changes.
Who we are (by committee)
At Godalming Junior School we are incredibly proud of the diversity and wide range of experience that our governors bring. Amongst our team we boast full time parents, teachers, educational leaders, lawyers, accountants, a CEO, and a Governance Consultant, all bringing their individual skills, experiences and personalities to the team.
Learning & Curriculum: Giles Bennett, Sam Dlugokecka, Eleanor McIntyre, Abi Gorringe, Adam Samson
Resources: Will Sutton (Chair), Michael Guest, Jonathan Haynes, Sarah Phillips, Julia Roberts, Adam Samson (Head), John Warren
Chair of Governors: Michael Guest
Vice Chair of Governors: Will Sutton
Clerk to the Governors: Shannon Hall
If you are interested in becoming a Governor, have a query, or would like to know more about what we do, please contact Shannon Hall at clerk@godalming-junior.surrey.sch.uk