Anti Bullying Stars

Anti Bullying @ Godalming Junior School
At Godalming Junior School, we take proactive steps to ensure bullying is a topic that is talked about openly, children are educated about different forms of bullying and every attempt is made to ensure bullying behaviours do not take root at our school.
Our AB Stars, who have been elected by their peers as 'first ports of call' if there are any friendship issues, which may take place at different times during the school day and drive our anti-bullying agenda by working closely with the headteacher. By taking proactive steps such as meeting regularly, feeding back, leading assemblies, drawing up action plans and very much being the 'eyes and ears on the ground' at our wonderful school we can ALL help the school community to be a 'bullying free zone'. 
Having drawn up our AB Charter, carrying out our annual survey and celebrating kindness and inclusion during Celebration Assemblies, Godalming Junior School is committed to becoming an 'Anti Bullying Charter School'.
Look out for updates in our newsletters and on the school website!
Only by working together, being committed to being kind, can we eradicate bullying behaviours at our school!
Mr Samson
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